Media Training
Are you ready to take your media presence to the next level? Property TV will provide you with access to that next level. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, mastering media skills is essential in today's fast-paced media orientated world.
On our one day training you will learn how to:
Fast become known as an authority in your sector
Use social media to position yourself as a thought-leader in your industry
Feel comfortable in front of camera
Win business by building trust through media & TV
Not only will you receive all of the above, but you will also receive:
A guaranteed appearance on one of Property TV’s or Business TV's flagship programmes
Walk away with a video clip of your performance for use on your social media
On the day we will cover the following topics:
Understanding the importance of good media skills and how to attract media opportunities:
Learn why effective media skills are crucial for personal and professional success in today's media-driven landscape.
Exploring the different types of media and where to concentrate your effort:
Dive into the diverse world of media, from traditional outlets like television and complimentary digital platforms such as social media and podcasts. Discussing what outlets are most suited to your sector and personal style.
Analysing examples and handling difficult questions with confidence:
Gain insights from real-life examples of both good and bad media interactions, helping you understand what works and what doesn't when facing the camera or microphone. Master the art of fielding tough questions gracefully and confidently, turning challenging moments into opportunities to shine.
Hands-on practical experience in front of camera:
Get hands-on experience with mock interviews and simulations, allowing you to put theory into practice in a supportive environment and even take away a video for your own social media.
Leveraging social media to attract new customers and convert existing leads:
Harness the power of social media to amplify your message, connect with your audience, and build a strong personal brand online and attract wider media opportunities.
To find out more about how media traing can benefit you, fill in the form below or alternatively email